
Multisteel Hungary Ltd

Serving the Industry

  • Masonry, Painting and Scaffolding Works
  • Spiral Staircase, Railings
  • Factory Plant Maintenance
  • HVAC Technology
  • Welding Technology
  • Machinery Installation
  • Concrete Cutting and Drilling

Heat insulation and sheeting job for Hamburger Hungária

Heat insulation for Hamburger Hungária

With a very short deadline, Multisteel Hungary Ltd won the heat insulation and sheeting jobs for the Hamburger Hungaria Ltd PM7-en for the air pipes, air handling units and ventillators.

We thank our Client, Hamburger Hungaria for this job, and we wish successful work to our colleagues!

Multisteel Hungary Kft | H-2400 Dunaújváros, Papírgyári út 42-46. | Tel.: +36-25-281-378
GINOP-6.1.6-17 pályázat