• Construction Works
  • HVAC Technology
  • Masonry, Painting and Scaffolding Works
  • Pressure Holding Vessels Manufacturing and Installation
  • Steel Structure Manufacturing and Construction
  • Concrete Cutting and Drilling
  • Factory Plant Maintenance

Masonry, Painting and Scaffolding Works

Festés és állványozási munkák

Multisteel Hungary Ltd. undertakes masonry and painting work closely related to our projects to provide a complete service to our customers.

The masonry, painting and scaffolding services we provide include:

  • Piping, Steel Structures Painting,
  • Application of various resins and coatings,
  • Surface treatment of machines and pumps.
Contact person: 

Törkő István

  • Törkő István
Ügyvezető Igazgató / Műszaki Igazgató
Istvan Torko VCard
Multisteel Hungary Kft | H-2400 Dunaújváros, Papírgyári út 42-46. | Tel.: +36-25-281-378
GINOP-6.1.6-17 pályázat