• Concrete Cutting and Drilling
  • HVAC Technology
  • Spiral Staircase, Railings
  • Machinery Installation
  • Construction Works
  • Welding Technology
  • Pressure Holding Vessels Manufacturing and Installation

We make a commitment to our customers and the results are there for all to see. Nowadays more than 100 satisfied nationwide and multinational customers appreciate in a daily basis the quality of our solutions. The Multisteel Hungary Ltd has customers in varied fields of activity such as: Steel manufacturing, Chemical, Automobile, Agriculture, Food and Beverage, Mechanical Industry, General Building and Pharmaceutical Industry.

Our reference works

Referencia Munka
Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt
Dunapack Zrt
Egis Nyrt
Referencia Munka
Referencia Munka
ISD Dunaferr Zrt
Referencia Munka
Richter Gedeon Rt
Vajda Papír Kft
Gallicoop húsfeldolgozó
Sága Foods Zrt
Kö-Fém Alcoa
Bridgestone Tatabánya Termelő Kft
Nature Aqua munkálatok
Délhús Zrt referencia
Dunaújvárosi Papírgyár referencia
Zoltech Rt referencia
Gastroyal Kft referencia
Multisteel Hungary Kft | H-2400 Dunaújváros, Papírgyári út 42-46. | Tel.: +36-25-281-378
GINOP-6.1.6-17 pályázat