• Concrete Cutting and Drilling
  • HVAC Technology
  • Spiral Staircase, Railings
  • Machinery Installation
  • Construction Works
  • Welding Technology
  • Pressure Holding Vessels Manufacturing and Installation

Welding Technology

Saválló berendezés hegesztése

We have skilled colleagues with many years of experience in welding and the appropriate welding qualifications, fire safety certification and the right welding equipment and materials to carry out the work.

We undertake welding assignments for a variety of tasks, producing WPS sheets in the following material grades and using the following processes:

High-temperature steel and solid carbon steel materials welding

  • AWI and AWI combined welding
  • Electro deposition welding
  • Submerged arc welding (CO or CO2 or mixed gas)
  • Flame welding
  • Various weld tests visual, liquid penetrant (penetration), ultrasonic, X-ray
  • We can also help you prepare for welder certification 

Stainless and acid-resistant materials welding

  • AWI and AWI combined welding
  • Electrode deposition welding (electrode)
  • Consumption electrode AFI welding (CO or CO2 or mixed gas) in the following material grades: 1.4301 ; 1.4571; 1.4541; 1.4404

Aluminum Welding

  • AWI welding
  • Consumable electrode AFI welding (CO or CO2 or mixed gas).

ABS plastic welding and bonding materials

We can also undertake the welding of various plastics for pipelines by butt welding and electrofitting.

We can provide WPS (Weld Procedure Specification) sheets for welds, with WPQR certification. We can carry out these works in our workshop but of course we can also work on site with outsourcing.

Welding reference places

Not only in Dunaújváros and Budapest, but practically all over Hungary we regularly carry out AWI welding, consumable electrode welding and flame welding assignments.

Where our welding staff has already proven itself, without claiming completeness, Dunaújváros and Budapest and the other listed locations:

USA (Atlanta), Belgium, Germany, Finland, Greece.
Budapest, Százhalombatta, Érd.
Fejér county.
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county.
Hajdú-Bihar county.


Multisteel Hungary Kft | H-2400 Dunaújváros, Papírgyári út 42-46. | Tel.: +36-25-281-378
GINOP-6.1.6-17 pályázat