
Multisteel Hungary Ltd

Serving the Industry

  • Masonry, Painting and Scaffolding Works
  • Factory Plant Maintenance
  • Welding Technology
  • Machinery Installation
  • Steel Structure Manufacturing and Construction
  • Spiral Staircase, Railings
  • Concrete Cutting and Drilling

Concrete drilling at the Monsanto Hungaria plant in Nagyigmánd

Betonfúrás a Monsanto üzemben Nagyigmándon

We had a ferroconcrete drilling job at the Monsanto Hungaria plant in Nagyigmánd, where they manufacture seeds for traditionally bred plants.

In close proximity of each other, we had to drill two holes, 30cm and 50 cm diameter located at the inner wall of the Monsanto warehouse. The installation of the rain gutters and water pipes made concrete drilling → necessary.

Two colleagues of ours worked 120cm deep with the German REMS machine for about an hour and a half at the seed warehouse, doing the concrete drilling.

We thank our client for this new job!


Ask a quote for concrete cutting and concrete drilling!


If you need concrete cutting and concrete drilling, please ask a quote from the experts at Multisteel Hungary by filling out the form.

Multisteel Hungary Kft | H-2400 Dunaújváros, Papírgyári út 42-46. | Tel.: +36-25-281-378
GINOP-6.1.6-17 pályázat